Securing Ruby on Rails Applications: Part 5 (Sanitize User Input)

Ruby on Rails is a powerful web application framework that enables developers to build robust and scalable web applications. However, like any other web application, Rails applications are vulnerable to attacks if not properly secured. One of the most critical aspects of securing a Rails application is sanitizing user input.

Sanitizing user input is essential for preventing malicious code injection and other attacks that can compromise the security of your application. In this article, we will explore how to sanitize user input in terms of securing a Ruby on Rails application with code examples.

What is User Input Sanitization in Ruby on Rails?

User input sanitization is the process of validating and cleaning user input to ensure that it is safe and secure for use in your application. In Rails, there are several methods and techniques that you can use to sanitize user input.

1. Whitelisting User Input

Whitelisting is the process of allowing only certain characters, numbers, and symbols in user input. This technique is useful for preventing malicious code injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

In Rails, you can use the sanitize method to whitelist user input. Here’s an example:

# Sanitize user input
@input = sanitize(params[:input], tags: %w[b i u])

In this example, the sanitize method allows only the b, i, and u tags in the user input.

2. Blacklisting User Input

Blacklisting is the process of disallowing certain characters, numbers, and symbols in user input. This technique is useful for preventing SQL injection attacks.

In Rails, you can use the sanitize_sql method to blacklist user input. Here’s an example:

# Blacklist user input
@input = sanitize_sql(params[:input])

In this example, the sanitize_sql method disallows any SQL commands in the user input.

3. Parameter Filtering

Parameter filtering is the process of filtering out sensitive information from user input, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

In Rails, you can use the filter_parameters method to filter out sensitive information. Here’s an example:

# Filter sensitive parameters
config.filter_parameters += [:password, :credit_card_number]

In this example, the filter_parameters method filters out the password and credit_card_number parameters from the user input.


Sanitizing user input is essential for securing your Ruby on Rails application. By using whitelisting, blacklisting, and parameter filtering, you can prevent malicious code injection, XSS attacks, and SQL injection attacks. Implementing these techniques in your Rails application can help you build a more secure and reliable web application.