Securing Ruby on Rails Applications: Part 3 (Use Strong Parameters)

Ruby on Rails is a popular web framework that is known for its security features. However, there are still many steps that developers need to take in order to ensure that their Rails applications are secure. One important step is to use strong parameters to protect against malicious input.

What are Strong Parameters?

Strong parameters are a feature of Rails that allow developers to control which parameters are permitted in a controller action. This helps to prevent against mass assignment vulnerabilities, which can occur when a user sends unexpected parameters to a controller action.

For example, let’s say we have a simple User model with a name and an email attribute. We want to allow users to update their name, but we don’t want them to be able to update their email. We can achieve this using strong parameters as follows:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def update
    @user = User.find(params[:id])
    if @user.update(user_params)
      redirect_to @user
      render :edit


  def user_params

In this code, we’ve defined a private method user_params that uses the require and permit methods to control which parameters are permitted. The require method ensures that the user parameter is present, while the permit method allows only the name parameter to be updated.

How Strong Parameters Work

When a request is made to a Rails application, the parameters are passed to the controller as a hash. By default, Rails allows all parameters to be passed to the controller, which can create security vulnerabilities. Strong parameters work by allowing developers to define a whitelist of parameters that are permitted in each controller action.

In the example above, we’ve defined a whitelist of parameters for the update action using the user_params method. This ensures that only the name parameter can be updated, and that the email parameter is not allowed.

Benefits of Strong Parameters

Using strong parameters has several benefits for Rails applications:

1. Protection against Mass Assignment Vulnerabilities:

Strong parameters help to prevent against mass assignment vulnerabilities, which can occur when a user sends unexpected parameters to a controller action.

2. Increased Security:

By controlling which parameters are permitted in each controller action, strong parameters help to increase the security of Rails applications.

3. Easy to Implement:

Strong parameters are easy to implement in Rails applications, and can be added to any controller action with just a few lines of code.


In conclusion, strong parameters are an important feature of Ruby on Rails that help to protect against malicious input and increase the security of Rails applications. By defining a whitelist of permitted parameters for each controller action, developers can prevent against mass assignment vulnerabilities and other security issues. By implementing strong parameters correctly, you can help to ensure that your Rails application is secure and protected against attacks.