Startup Without Code: Remove The Need For a Technical Co-Founder

For many years, launching a successful startup required at least two types of people to work. The first being, the visionary founder. This person would be the one to come up with an amazing idea and know-how to sell the dream not only to investors but potential team members, future employees, and the general public.

update_all vs update in Rails

This article will discuss key differences between update_all and update in Rails.

Named Scopes vs Default Scopes

This article will discuss two important concepts in Ruby on Rails - Named Scopes and Default Scopes. The main idea is to get results based on some condition.

Pluck vs Select in Rails

This article will discuss the differences between select and pluck methods for ActiveRecord in Rails.

5 Resources for Building an MVP

Building an MVP is a crucial step for getting your SaaS product off the ground. While most teams who don’t understand the inner workings of building a product might think that getting your foot off the ground will take a large amount of cash, that doesn’t have to be the case.

What Is Burn Rate and How Do You Calculate It?

There is a great amount of enthusiasm when you start your own business. It is truly amazing to see what started as just an idea become a real thing. However, motivation is not a guarantee of success. Unfortunately, less than 50% of businesses make it to their 5th year, and only 33% make it to 10 years. A massive 82% of businesses fail because of cash flow problems. For this reason, your burn rate is an essential figure that you have to be aware of.

Dynamic Nested Forms in Ruby on Rails

With dynamic nested forms, you can create forms that automatically calculate fields based on the information that has been entered into previous fields. If you’re building a form for your online store, for example, you might want to create a product listing form with several different fields: name, category and price. If the user selects “blue jeans” as their category and then enters $50 as their price, then the form will automatically calculate all of the necessary information—including tax—and display it in an easy-to-read format.

How to Build Your First Product: A Guide for Startup Teams

There it is, you’ve got that first inkling of an idea. You were just talking with your friend about the problem they were having - and you’ve got the solution. It’s so genius, you think, how come no one has ever thought about this before?

How To Grow Your SaaS Business

If you need SaaS business inspiration, look no further than YouTube. Three PayPal employees created an online dating website that failed at its original purpose but had an amazing video uploading platform. Realizing there was no such thing as a video sharing platform, they switched their ideas. Fifteen years later and YouTube is worth around $15 billion.

Generating Encrypted Zip files in Rails

Generating encrypted zip files in Rails is an excellent way to secure sensitive data, and it’s easy to do.

Searching and Sorting with Ransack

In this article, we will discuss an easier way to search and sort in Rails, using a gem called ransack.

Exporting to CSV with Rails

Exporting data to CSV is an excellent way to move your data out of a database and into a spreadsheet. The ability to export data from a Rails application is especially useful when you want to use it in another application or process.

Helpful String Methods in Ruby on Rails

This article will discuss how to implement several helpful string methods in Ruby on Rails: camelize, classify, humanize and inquiry.

Adding remote: true Support in a Legacy Rails App

When upgrading a legacy Rails app that has buttons/links that trigger raw ajax instead of remote: true for making javascript format requests, adding remote: true can make things simpler.

Rails 5 Disables Autoloading in Production

Before Rails 5, all constants were loaded via ‘autoloading’ when the application booted up. Rails 5 replaced this with ‘eager loading,’ i.e loading all the constants even before they are actually needed. With ‘autoloading,’ the application does not load the constant until it is needed. Once a class is needed, if it is missing then the application starts looking in ‘autoload paths’ to load it. Eager_load_paths contains a list of directories. When the application boots then it loads all constants found in all directories listed in eager_load_paths.

Creating a Clickable div in Rails Views(erb)

There are many use cases that require an href link to be applied to an entire div. One such situation required an href to be applied to this entire icon in order to make it clickable:

ActiveRecord Dirty Checks

Sometimes in Rails applications we need to perform an action based on a change in a particular attribute of a model.

Custom 404 and 500 Error Pages in Rails

When an exception occurs, the goal is always to handle it gracefully. A red page full of errors appears extremely unprofessional.

Solutions for Updating ActiveStorage Attachments

While updating ActiveStorage attachments, particularly those with the has_many_attached association in a Rails application, some common issues can arise. This article will discuss some such issues and their possible solutions.

The Difference Between Joins and Includes in Rails ActiveRecord

In this article we will be explaining the difference between includes and joins in Rails ActiveRecord, a topic which often confuses newbies to Rails.

Updating ActiveRecord Attachments in Rails

If you need to update an active record attachment that has been attached using has_one_attached relation with the parent model, you may encounter errors. Here’s an example:

HTTP Basic Authentication in Ruby on Rails

This article will discuss HTTP Basic Authentication in Ruby on Rails. This can be useful when a page needs to be accessible only to users with a password.

Automatically Generating User Passwords with Devise

This article will discuss how to bypass password and password confirmation in the registration process and send a password through email when a user registers themselves.

Implementing Single Table Inheritance with Devise in Ruby on Rails

This article will discuss implementing STI(Single Table Inheritance) using Devise. First, create a project.

Creating an Admin Panel with ActiveAdmin in Ruby on Rails

This article will discuss how to implement an admin panel with activeadmin in Ruby on Rails. First, create a project and a few models.